February was a good month for this site. The Olympics brought a ton of visitors, all looking for footage of athletes slipping and sliding on the ice and snow, even though it was a January post. My Funny Valentine was also a hit. Fun with da Net was the post with the most hits, and Size Matters was the one most discussed. February also brought the end of my smoking habit. Thanks to so many of you who have offered advice and support. I had no idea how many ex-smokers I know! I still have a problem loading any blogspot.com site. I consulted some of the geekiest people on the planet, and they are all stumped. The most common explanation is that someone put a hex on my computer. That doesn't stop me! You may also notice I am trying to improve the looks of my bargain-basement template. That can be dangerous for someone as tech-ignorant as I am, so if the whole thing goes kablooey, I may be calling up the geek squad again for help!
What?! An entire month goes by and NO political posts? Must be something wrong with me. No, I'm not sleeping with the other side... not sleeping with anybody. Bummer. I'll have to start working on a political humor post real soon.
We interupt this post to bring you greetings on Mardi Gras, Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday, or whatever you call the last day before Lent.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled post.
Numa Numa spoof by CS6 crew of Navy USS Enterprise.
Photo Booth Prank from the Tonight Show.

Music Video: Bush and Blair at the Gay Bar.
Video of Los Angeles at night.
Torn, performed in mime.
A man with three balls.
Broke Mac Mountain.
Brokeback to the Future.
How a man can win an argument with a woman.
Leonard Nimoy Photography (contains nudity).
What happens to husbands who misbehave.
Masturbate for Peace.
The best thing I have read on how men can attract women.
Does My Ass Look Fat In These Pants?
When pigs fly: A photo essay.
Johnny posted about some Texas tidbits he toasted.
Here’s the link to my little map, please plant yourself somewhere.
The best blonde joke ever.
Prydwen on what impresses a woman.
Dick Cheney’s Quail Hunt Game.
Make your own South Park character at Planearium.
The Death Psychic.
Here's my Mugl

Try this 3D Face Generator.
Anagram Genius.
Can you tell someone's race by looking? Take the test.
Write your name in Egyptian heiroglyphics!
Create A Graph program.
Charles Vestal’s quailhunt story generator.
Determine your energy patterns through your name.
At Reincarnation Station, find out whether you'll come back as a lower life form.
Adam and Eve
Carnival of Crazy

Fun with da Net
Groundhogs and Other Critters
Links!Links and Sore Sages
Literary Mama
Mars and Venus: Crossed Signals
Mars and Venus: Seeking
Middle Age
My Funny Valentine
Sith Happens
Size Matters
Star Trek
Check this new sidebar button. It links to this site. If you want, I'll send you the code.
February's Best Thought for Today: We'd be much more successful if we would stop trying to find the perfect mate, and start trying to be the perfect mate.
humor links video funny games