Tuesday, October 22, 2024

What's for Dinner?

(via Buzzfeed)

Shoulder Angels

We've all seen this illustration in movies and cartoons when a character has to make a moral decision- a small devil on one shoulder, and an angel on the other, whispering in the character's ear to persuade him to do the right thing or the wrong thing. The devil represents temptation, and the angel represents the conscience. It's pretty much the perfect way to illustrate a moral dilemma, but where did it come from? You won't be surprised to learn it goes way back, a couple thousand years or so. But why are they small and standing on someone's shoulders? Duh, the easier to whisper in his ear, my dear. Everyone knows what it means, and it's certainly less boring than just using a disembodied voice to explain to the audience what the character is thinking. (via Laughing Squid)


Tron 1 Looks Like a Robot from the Movies

One way to get everyday people involved with a robot is to make it less like a human, and therefore less creepy. LimX Dynamics introduces the TRON 1, a bipedal robot that looks relatively unthreatening. It resembles robots we are familiar with from the movies (Tron, Star Wars, Robocop, Battlestar Galactica, etc.). For a two-legged robot, it balances really well, and has three different "foot" modes that can be switched out. And boy, can it dance!

You can have your own Tron I for just $15,000. I'm sure it can do things besides walk upstairs and dance, but what it's supposed to be useful for isn't really explained. I can't see it pushing a lawnmower or washing dishes. I'm sure it would be easy to attached a machine gun or a flamethrower to it. (via Boing Boing)


(via Fark)

Puppies in a Pumpkin Patch

Devin Supertramp takes a sideways turn from his usual extreme sports videos to play with delightful puppies! Here they are in their Halloween costumes, cavorting in a pumpkin patch at Cornbelly's farm in Lehi, Utah. There's no pop culture tie-in, no plot, and no voiceover, just a soothing adorable sequence to make your day better. (via Tastefully Offensive)

Tweet of the Day

(Thanks, WTM!).

Monday, October 21, 2024

Name of the Year

A Memorable Way to Say It

Funny Nigerian sayings
byu/pIngo16 infunny

Nigerian comebacks are poetic, dramatic, and really funny. When the father said "What will kill me has not yet been born," we can take that to be really badass, or maybe he's saying another child will be the death of him. The one about wisdom is my favorite. (via reddit)

Halloween Special

(via reddit)

Soccer Balls in the Floor

I'm No Civil Engineer But....I Don't Think They Are Either
byu/ReesesNightmare inWTF

This looks really weird, but there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. Are they putting soccer balls between rebar to save on concrete? Yes, yes they are. This is common in concrete construction and it's called a biaxial voided slab. Notice that the balls are not near the walls or columns, but in the emptier areas. This not only saves on the amount of concrete used, but the ultimate weight of the floor. It also increases the floor's insulating qualities.

However, this particular project is more colorful than others. Builders more commonly use plastic boxes or styrofoam to make concrete voids. These are most likely not regulation soccer balls, but much cheaper plastic orbs. Still gets the job done. (via reddit

Halloween Cake

Goats? (via Buzzfeed)

The Most Gruesome Ways Pirates Killed People

In the movies, pirates are charming scalawags who operate outside of the normal limits of civilization. This might give you the wrong idea about the Golden Age of Piracy in the mid-17th century. Sure, some governments turned a blind eye to certain pirates, as long as they carried out capers that benefitted some nations in their competition over other governments. But most pirates were fine with violence, whether in war or in plundering coastal villages or even in competition with each other. They could be pretty brutal overall. Captains reinforced the pecking order and kept their crews in line with the threat of a painful death, and rivals were treated even worse. Short of death, permanent maiming was on the table, too, which explains the hooks and peg legs. Some pirates weren't above a bit of torture, either, to get what they wanted.

Miss Cellania's Links

Kurt Vonnegut’s Lost Board Game Is Finally for Sale. (via Nag on the Lake)

The “friendship divide” explained: How your education affects your ability to connect.

Attack of the Dead Men 1915: The Great War's Supernaturally Horrific Battle and History's First Weapon of Mass Destruction. (via Strange Company)

Santorio Santori And Insensible Perspiration. The scientists went through some crazy stuff to figure out how much water our bodies lose through evaporation and breathing.  

Hemingway, after the hurricane. The 1935 Labor Day hurricane killed 400, many of them veterans who should have been evacuated.  

Gruesome, macabre, and coveted Halloween-style home decor.

The short and horrid life of Russia's Emperor Ivan VI. More here. (via Messy Nessy Chic)

Is It Perimenopause or the Fascist Death Knell of Late-Stage Capitalism? Is my hair thinning, or am I ripping it out because a thirty-four-time convicted, sexually abusive steak salesman with a Hannibal Lecter fetish is five points ahead in Arizona? (via Kottke)

8 Fascinating Facts about Alchemy.


(via Fark)

25 Halloween Life Hacks

Everywhere you look on the ‘net, there are tips for making your Halloween celebrations easier or even more fun. As he does sometimes, John Green takes some of those ideas and tests them to see if they really work the way they are supposed to. He doesn’t take a lot of care, so your results may vary, but you get the idea. My contribution: use a large rubber glove, cut the glove off with scissors, including each finger. But his result is funnier, in the Halloween episode of the mental_floss List Show.

PS: I have never found a better way to carve a pumpkin than by using a hole-boring drill bit and a sawzall. Done in two minutes.

Tweet of the Day

I believe the bird is a tawny frogmouth, not to be confused with the Australian boobook.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

I Think So, Too

Albert and Frank

(via Fark)

The Oregon Zoo Rhinos Celebrate Autumn

During harvest season, we often see videos of zoo animals having fun playing with and eating pumpkins. At the Oregon Zoo, they have the annual "Squishing of the Squash" event for the elephants. Now we get to see the rhinos do it in an event that should be called the "Goring of the Gourds." The pumpkins are donated by local farmers with extra pumpkins and hobbyists who grow giant pumpkins for the fun of it.

The black rhinos showed us what those horns are good for -they are tools, used to open up a pumpkin by goring or even slicing it. They are also pretty good for tossing things or even carrying them around. Oh, yeah, the elephants have already had their Squishing of the Squash this year, too. A good time was had by all. (via Laughing Squid)

Scary Area

(Thanks, WTM!)

Fox News Interview with Kamala Harris

The opening skit on Saturday Night Live last night trotted out all the political characters of the season to highlight the absurdities of the presidential campaign. Kamala Harris suffers through a Fox News interview and spits memes while Brett Baier plays unrelated but hilarious clips of what Trump has been doing on the campaign trail.


(via Fark)

Singing Cat

This video is only three seconds long, so you’ll want to play it again and again. Matt Ambrose is singing “Boom Boom Boom” by the Outhere Brothers. His cat Maximus is, too. (via Viral Viral Videos

Tweet of the Day

(Thanks, WTM!)

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Halloween Special

(via Bad Menu)

No Alcohol

(via reddit)

How They Dug the Deepest Hole on Earth

The Soviets were really big on proving they were the best at everything, whether it was science, nuclear weapons, the space race, or Olympic athletes. That probably had something to do with why they decided to dig the deepest manmade hole on earth. Oh, there were plenty of scientific research reasons, but the expense involved leads one to believe it was mainly another superlative they could brag about.  

The Kola Superdeep Borehole is more than seven miles deep, or 12,262 meters, to be exact. The Soviets kept digging for 19 years, from 1970 to 1989, when the fall of the Berlin Wall suddenly shifted government priorities (like survival). But the project had other problems, too, that had to do with the earth and what's going on seven miles down there. Half as Interesting explains the project in a little over seven minutes; the rest of the video is an ad. (via Digg)

The Taco Bell Chihuahua

Taco Bell has built quite a large business on the premise of combining the same five ingredients into a wide variety of food items in different shapes and sizes, with a wide price range. Staying open until the wee hours helped a lot, too. They've not been as lucky with their advertising campaigns, though. The biggest and most memorable was the Taco Bell chihuahua that was everywhere in the late 1990s. The dog was cute, the scenarios were funny, and you saw those ads every time you turned a TV on. The chihuahua image was made into plush dolls and graced t-shirts. Then suddenly, the ads with the chihuahua were gone, and no one really noticed because, well, it was advertising after all. Weird History Food explains where the chihuahua came from, how he (or actually, she) became a sensation, and why the dog disappeared so quickly. No, it wasn't because the dog died.

Halloween Party

(via Fark)

The Haunted Elevator

What’s a haunted house without the totally scary David S. Pumpkins! Warning: frightening. This haunted house tour is brought to you by Saturday Night Live. Can you believe it's been eight years since we met him?

Tweet of the Day

(via Nag on the Lake)

Friday, October 18, 2024


From 1937. (via Undine)

The Curse of Dracular

Claymation artist Jack Paterson found a story that his father had written for a school assignment in 1974, when he was only nine years old. If you recall that time, the Hammer films with Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing were quite popular, and they obviously inspired this bloody tale. Fifty years later, Paterson used that story verbatim to make a movie about Dracula, which is spelled Dracular just as it was on that original assignment.

Although the film is comical, it comes from a very personal place as my Dad has been a continuous inspiration to me for as long as I can remember, and I credit a lot of my love of film and animation to him. Thus, this film is in large part a tribute to him. Claymation is also our favourite form of animation, and some of my oldest memories were us sculpting various characters and creatures out of Play-Doh and Plasticine.
The film has since won awards. It moves a little slow at the beginning, but then picks up in a rather gory way. After all, it was written by a nine-year-old. Dad has to be proud of the result.  

Hot Wheels

(via reddit)


Candice thought about getting a cat, and suddenly, she sees a stray kitten. It's the cat distribution system at work, although I have some bad things to say about people who dump unwanted kittens around town. Anyway, Onyx worked her way into Candice's heart, as kittens will. Also, I love unexpected names for cats. Naming a gray kitten Onyx is like naming a black cat Ginger or naming an orange cat Marshmallow.  


About Lobotomies

During the first half of the 20th century, many psychiatric disturbances were treated by cutting into the brain, as in a lobotomy.  Why were doctors so keen on cutting the connections in people's brains? It was more of a societal problem than it was concern about the individual patient. Lobotomies made psychiatric patients easier to deal with. As bad as that seems, the conditions that led to lobotomies during the surgery's heyday make us cringe in the 21st century. They couldn't execute troublesome and inconvenient people, so they just cut their brains to make them into more convenient people. Some parts of our history truly resemble dystopian science fiction horror stories. (via Laughing Squid)

Miss Cellania's Links

The 50th Annual Nikon Small World Photomicrography Winners. Also see the honorable mentions and images of distinction. Who knew that slime molds, disease cells, pregnant fleas, pollen, and intestines could be so beautiful!

When Packing for the Emergency Room, Don't Forget Your Sunscreen. (via Metafilter)

Stan Lee's home in Los Angeles is for sale for $8.8 million, complete with a triple Spider-Man. (via Boing Boing)

NASA finally knows what happened to all the water on Mars. (via Damn Interesting)

Miscarriages are incredibly common. Abortion bans have made them less safe. (via Kottke)

Five Literal Kings for a Day. Actually less than a day.

Shipwreck Hunters Find Lost World War II-Era Submarine That Vanished With 64 Crew Members Onboard.

It's been 15 years since the Balloon Boy Hoax. Relive those days with a 17-minute documentary about the whole affair. (via Metafilter)


(via Fark)

Homemade Tauntaun Costume

Clint Case was ready with a video camera when his young son tried out his Halloween costume. He will be trick-or-treating as Luke Skywalker riding his Tauntaun. This adorable costume is completely handmade. 

“Is your Taintaun drunk?” Sure, you can buy a Tauntaun costume, but it’s not going to hold a candle to one you make yourself. (via Tastefully Offensive)

Tweet of the Day

(Thanks, WTM!)

Thursday, October 17, 2024


How to Do Halloween Decorations

25 years to build, a week to set up! It’s my third year decorating this beautiful old mansion.
byu/UptonDide inhalloween

Redditor UptonDide is a cosplayer at Ren Faires, a model airplane enthusiast, a dad, and is doing renovations on his very old home. He is also very much into Halloween decorations. His collection of tombstones is north of 100 stones now, all handmade. You can look through his post history to see closeups of some of them, with their pun epitaphs. (via reddit)

Left Lane

Osprey Tangled in Fishing Line

Man rescues hawk tangled in fishing line
byu/beemer-dreamer ininterestingasfuck

This guy was frightened, but he stepped up to do what he had to do, to free a juvenile osprey from certain death when he was wrapped up in discarded filament. You can see his hands shake as he reaches into those claws to cut the line. The osprey is too exhausted to fight, and over time comes to understand he is being helped. A wildlife expert in the comments says he did good, but urges anyone else in this situation to put on gloves first.


An Honest Trailer for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

The Tim Burton sequel Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was released about six weeks ago and has so far made back more than four times its production budget. Audiences liked it, and so does Screen Junkies. This Honest Trailer gives us more insight into the film in case you haven't already seen it. Like the original 1988 Beetlejuice, the title character isn't the main character because he's just too chaotic and better in small doses. Also like the original, most of the characters are dead, yet the creepiness is all so over-the-top, you never forget they are in a comedy. The main idea of the Honest Trailer seems to be that it's very much like the original, which was fun, but there's no real glory in doing something that has been done well before.

Miss Cellania's Links

Watch dash-cam footage of police officer attacked by giant pumpkin

The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 is 900 pages long. But you can read it in condensed comic book form, subject by subject, in your own time, at Stop Project 2025. (via Metafilter)

5 Inventions That Came Out of the Great Depression.

Death as a Child: The Modern Legend of the Black-Eyed Children

Star Wars Geek Builds Rideable and Fully Functional AT-AT.

The pickled dragon hoax that fooled the world. The way to pull off a hoax is to claim it's someone else's hoax. (via Damn Interesting)

"It's Election Day, Charlie Brown." The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug. 

Atmospheric phenomenon Steve spotted over south-east SA following Aurora Australis. (via Metafilter)

Alarm Clock

(via Fark)

Princess Cumulus

You recall the LED Stickman costume that Royce Hutain made for his toddler daughter Zoey in 2013. He improved on that to make it a Minnie Mouse costume for her in 2014. In 2016, he and Zoey collaborated on a new costume: a thunder cloud! She is “Princess Cumulus.” The costume is an adapted inflatable suite with Arduino-controlled LED strips underneath. The fart sounds for thunder are Zoey’s contribution. While they had fun with this one, it was impractical for going door-to-door, so she trick-or-treated as Wonder Woman. (via Tastefully Offensive)

Tweet of the Day

(via Everlasting Blort)

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Pig Dog

The Superbowl Shuffle

Nothing says 1985 like the Chicago Bears Shufflin' Crew doing "The Superbowl Shuffle." (via Metafilter)

Brake Pads

(via reddit)

The Exchange

In an action movie, this simple exchange would be handled by experienced professionals who are practiced in their mission. Real life doesn't work like that. We know that any story from Birdbox Studio is going to go completely sideways from what we would normally expect. In their latest production called The Exchange, we see a suspicious meeting from a distance through binoculars, so we can't know what was said. But we can imagine based on what we see. Sure, you feel sorry for the participants, but you have to keep telling yourself it's just a fictional story. We hope. (via Nag on the Lake)

Undecided Voters

A classic from Cyanide and Happiness.

Broken Peach Halloween Video 2024

The Spanish band Broken Peach is really into Halloween. For this year's Halloween special, they are once again on their spooky skeleton get ups as they do a rockin' mashup of Blondie's "Call Me" and Kiss's "I Was Made For Lovin' You" that is so seamless that you realize they are basically the same song. Also mixed in is a bit of the song "Joker and the Thief" by Wolfmother. You might watch this video and think there's some stop-motion shenanigans going on, but watch the fog machine effects on the floor. It shows they are just that well-rehearsed in their jerky skeleton dance.


(via Fark)

Urban Geography: Why We Live Where We Do

Cities are all cities, but they differ greatly in everything else. You know European cities are older, but you probably don’t know how much that affects everything else about them. One big difference is how dense they are. Modern technology, particularly in transportation, affected how cities grew. Wendover Productions tells us all kinds of interesting things about cities that you never thought about before. (via reddit

Tweet of the Day

(Thanks, WTM!)

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Hotel Amenities

Look at This Thing

At the 2024 XOXO Festival, Cabel Sasser told the story of how he discovered a forgotten artist. This is delightful. You can skip the first two minutes, but you'll be glad you stayed for the ending. (via Metafilter)

Don't Miss It!

Cat Jungle Gym

At a tender age, this kitten has learned that you can jump from a height, like a tree, tree and survive. I wish my Sundae could figure that out. (Thanks, WTM!)


Ghostbusters A Cappella

Jared Halley has but one instrument, but he makes an entire band out of his voice, from percussion to synthesizer. In this video, he's accompanied by his son Noah, who has a good voice, too, and his daughter Aria makes a special appearance.  

Miss Cellania's Links

Google Trends top 25 Halloween costumes of 2024. (via Mental Floss)

George Mallory and Andrew "Sandy" Irvine attempted to climb Mount Everest in 1924, but they didn't survive to let us know if they made it. A hundred years later, a part of Irvine's body has been found. (via Metafilter)

The Adventures of Ralph White's Corpse. His burial was plagued by protests, lawsuits, injunctions, grave robbers, and dynamite. (via Strange Company)

Modern photographic artists recreate classic works of art. (via Kottke)

Even Bacteria Prepare for Winter. (via Damn Interesting)

This Artist Brilliantly Uses Different Jigsaw Puzzles to Create Surreal Mashups. (Thanks, Brother Bill!)

5 ‘Unexplained’ Mysteries That Have Totally Been Explained

The Great Passive Voice Panic: Why Everyone (Even Grammar Experts) Gets It Wrong. Not everyone; I've never had a problem identifying it.

Quebec Comiccon 2024: 10th Anniversary Cosplay Spectacular!


(via Fark)

An Honest Trailer for The Nightmare Before Christmas

Get ready for Screen Junkies to ruin your childhood with an Honest Trailer for the 1993 Tim Burton movie The Nightmare Before Christmas. They say they are doing this for Halloween, but isn’t it supposed to be a Christmas movie? I have my suspicions that this trailer contains things that aren’t really in the movie. Or was it really a Hot Topic ad? (via Tastefully Offensive)

Tweet of the Day

(via Everlasting Blort)https://blort.meepzorp.com/

Monday, October 14, 2024



You know the song, but you didn't expect it to be performed by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. This was recorded in 2004 at the Rock Am Ring Festival Nürburg, Germany. (via Laughing Squid)

Sauce and Dressing

(via reddit)

The Move

The Omeleto short film The Move is supposedly about a couple taking the grand step in their relationship of moving in together. Kate and Todd are excited about finding a roomy apartment they can afford. But the place is a little strange, or let's say, very strange. Maybe that's why it's affordable. What they find provokes shock, fear, and possibilities. You have to wonder what happened to the previous tenants. The viewer is intrigued by an anomaly in the fabric of space and time, and we expect to get a resolution or an explanation, or even a grand adventure. But that's not what this is about at all. The Move was written and directed by Erick Kissak and stars Dustin Milligan from Schitt's Creek and Amanda Crew from Silicon Valley. (via Kottke)

Spoiled Children

From Dan Piraro at Bizarro.

Pure Poetry

(via Fark)

Mashup: "Hallelujah" and "Baby Got Back"

The Leonard Cohen song "Hallelujah" has been around since 1984, but reached global notoriety when it was featured in the 2001 film Shrek. It's been used in quite a few films since then. The tune is beautiful, but the lyrics are somewhat of an an enigma, mixing biblical and sexual themes. Besides, there are many versions of those lyrics, as Cohen took five years to write them.

But Dustin Ballard, also known as There I Ruined It, took away all the ambiguity of Cohen's song by just substituting the lyrics of "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-a-Lot. Poetry is poetry, after all, and in this mashup, there's no question of what the song is about.

Miss Cellania's Links

Alma Cooper is an Exceptional Woman. Graduating from West Point is only the beginning.

Precision food artistry. (via Everlasting Blort)

Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping? (via Metafilter)

‘Disgustingly Pro-Women’: Flamingos owner turns Yelp review into empowering T-shirt. (via Fark)

A Secret Sculpture Built for John F. Kennedy’s Grave Vanished in the 1970s. Half a Century Later, the Mystery Has Been Solved. (via Strange Company)

People On The Internet Really Hate These Five US States. I've never been to Utah, found Louisiana to be interesting for a short visit, and agree on the rest.

A Tombstone with a Coded Riddle.

'There's nobody like him': Sammy Basso, longest survivor of rapid aging disease, dies at 28. (via Damn Interesting)

The Vanishing Hitchhiker Legend Is an Ancient Tale That Keeps Evolving. If you don't have such a legend in your local area, you could start one.  


(Thanks, WTM!)

The Parking Ticket

British comedian Joe Lycett got a parking ticket and decided to fight it. He told the story of what happened on the TV show 8 Out of 10 Cats. (via reddit)

Tweet of the Day

Sunday, October 13, 2024


Tom BetGeorge's Halloween Lights 2024

Light display maniac Tom BetGeorge has revealed his 2024 Halloween light show! BetGeorge has his own light show production business called Magical Light Shows. BetGeorge's 2024 light show is about a half-hour long, and the sequence set to AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" above is only the beginning. Continue reading to see more.


Feigning Sleep

Just pretend to be asleep, and no one will suspect.
byu/RealRock_n_Rolla infunny

They won't notice anything if I'm asleep! Hey, what's this? Ice cream right near where I'm sleeping! I better check to see if it's any good. (via reddit)


(Thanks, WTM!)

Family Feud Election

The way presidential debates are held these days aren't really debates, but they are a chance to see the candidates side-by-side to compare them. You might as well have them perform on a game show together. Trump, being a former game show host, should have a leg up in such a scenario. But this is Saturday Night Live, so your mileage may vary. Besides, it's a way to get all the political impressions together and include Kenan Thompson doing Steve Harvey.   


(via Fark)

Halo, the Pool-Playing Dog

He’s a real shark, but he hasn’t mastered the cue stick yet. At least he doesn’t scratch. Sorry about the music; Halo selected it. (via reddit)

Tweet of the Day

(via Everlasting Blort)

Saturday, October 12, 2024


5 Ways British and American Road Trips Are Very Different

Laurence Brown of Lost in the Pond explains the difference between road trips in the US and road trips in the UK. I didn't even know people took road trips in the UK, but if you call the grand adventure of traveling 100 miles to visit someone a road trip, well, there you go. In America, we are liable to travel that far for lunch. My daughters now each live 450 miles from me, and not in the same direction, so I am used to spending 6 to 7 hours on the road by myself just to see one of them. They also travel to each other's homes, which is a much longer trip. When I was younger, I thought nothing of driving 12 hours to the east coast, or 18 to Florida. There's a one-minute skippable ad at 1:45.

Odd One Out

(via reddit)

Minnesota Lynx

That's a big kitty, with such luxurious fur you want to wrap your arms around him and squeeze him good. Not a great idea, because Canada lynx are wild animals that are definitely sharp on five ends. They have strong back legs that are longer than their front legs in order to leap onto prey. They have huge paws that work as snowshoes. They avoid people like the plague. And there aren't nearly enough of them. The Voyageurs Wolf Project has plenty of camera traps in the woods of northern Minnesota to study and document wildlife. Their focus is on wolves, but they caught glimpses of Canada lynx quite a bit over the past year.


(Thanks, WTM!)

The Phone Alarm Must Be Destroyed

If you wake up by a phone alarm, your natural instinct is to make it stop by any means necessary, and if you are too sleepy to function, that may even include destroying the phone. Joseph Herscher of Joseph's Machines made a chain reaction contraption that tries to do just that. But while the machine works, all it does is move the phone through the course of the device, without harming it at all.

The reason for that is that this is an ad. Herscher got the attention of Casetify, a company that makes protective phone cases. He was glad to construct a Rube Goldberg machine to abuse the phone mercilessly to show how well the case protects it even if it meant his machine didn't quite do the job it was seemingly designed for. The chain reaction machine made more noise than the alarm! And at the end, after all that nonsense, he got up out of bed against his wishes by the actions of the machine anyway. (via Boing Boing)

The Lure

(via Fark)

The Art of Yosegi-zaiku

In his workshop in Hakone, Japan, a master craftsman shows us the art of Yosegi-zaiku. You really should watch the video before you read the Wikipedia article on it, because you'll enjoy discovering what it's all about as he goes through the process. Also, the video itself is beautiful and soothing, with lovely music. If you spot any finished Yosegi-zaiku products in a shop, or maybe in a friend’s home, you’ll be glad you can explain what goes into it. (via reddit)

Tweet of the Day

Maybe they're Christmas caroling!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Poisoned Coffee

From 1800. (via Undine)

Dr. Phibes Rises Again

The sequel to The Abominable Dr. Phibes is the horror comedy Dr. Phibes Rises Again from 1972. Vincent Price stars as Dr. Anton Phibes, released from his suspended animation by the alignment of the moon and planets. Critics disagreed on whether it was any better than the original, which wasn't really saying much.

Bar and Galley