Friday, February 07, 2025
The Fantastic Four: First Steps Teaser Trailer
No comic book franchise has ever had so many failed attempts at jumping to the silver screen than The Fantastic Four. Will The Fantastic Four: First Steps break that curse? With a cast led by Pedro Pascal as Mr. Fantastic, gorgeous visuals, a '60s vibe, and a bit of humor, it might just be a hit. The Fantastic Four: First Steps is, of course, an origin story, and is the 37th movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It will also be the first of the MCU's "phase six," in case anyone is keeping up with that. The Fantastic Four: First Steps opens on July 25th, 2025. (via Nag on the Lake)
House of Dan
Dan's house was blanketed with several feet of snow. So was his "yard," if that's what you can call it living in the woods. Dan took advantage of the situation and turned it into a snowboarder's dream run. Sweet! The only way extreme sports videographer Scott Barber could keep up with him was to snowboard along with him to catch the action in this video. (via Digg)
(Thanks, WTM!)Your chance of being attacked by a squirrel is low, but never zero.
— Planet Of Memes (@PlanetOfMemes) February 3, 2025
Thursday, February 06, 2025
Jim Carrey in Star Wars
There have been around a dozen Star Wars movies and a few TV series, too. Jim Carrey has appeared in 45 feature films over the past 40 years. How hard would it be to find places where Carrey's nonsense would fit in the Star Wars universe perfectly? If you've ever tried this kind of work, you know that the idea is simple, but the execution is a lot of work. It appears that YouTuber Your_Kryptonite7 knows what he's doing here and has a deft hand at editing. I, for one, would go see every Star Wars movie in the theater once again if they were remade to be comedies. (via Geeks Are Sexy)
When It's Just The Dudes At Home
Fathers and babies left unsupervised will find something weird and fun to do. Adam Ballard and his infant son Miles show off some killer dance moves to the Michael Jackson song "Beat It." Miles does the Moonwalk made famous in "Billie Jean" and the impossible lean from "Smooth Criminal." He also does air guitar to Eddie Van Halen's solo. There's some nice shuffling and other fancy footwork going on here, too. (via Tastefully Offensive)
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
LEGO Adventure in the City
This LEGO stop-motion story is exactly the kind of thing you could make yourself, if you had enough LEGO bricks, with a story your child might have written, if you have one. It was made for LEGO China, and I bet it was an effective ad. (via Nag on the Lake)
An Honest Trailer for Gladiator II
The movie Gladiator II came 24 years after the original, and may as well have been called Gladiator: The Next Generation. It lacked both the originality of the first movie and Russell Crowe. But audiences loved it, which proves that after 24 years, you can release the same movie again because no one cares about the first one. They introduced novelty by making some characters and scenarios extra bizarre, whether that's historically accurate or not, because who cares. Besides all that, the highlight of Gladiator II was the villain, played by Denzel Washington, who stole the show for himself. And it has plenty of the violence that audiences crave. Screen Junkies pulls apart Gladiator II so you can decide after all this time whether it's something you might want to watch.
Calendar of February Anxieties
Everybody and the Sunshine Band
KC and the Sunshine Band was big in the disco era because their music, while not exactly profound, was infinitely danceable. Their 1975 song "That's the Way (I Like It)" topped the Billboard chart twice and became an international hit. It would be easy to mash it up with another hit song, but which one?
DJ Cummerbund went on tour with KC and the Sunshine Band a couple of years ago (yes, they are still working) and had plenty of time to contemplate this mashup. He didn't want to decide between the many songs that could be set to that classic disco beat, so he used all of them. That's why this mashup is credited to Everybody and the Sunshine Band. The singing comes from such diverse musicians as Aerosmith, Dolly Parton, Nine Inch Nails, Hall and Oates, System of a Down, Bon Jovi, Coolio, and a few other artists who might really surprise you. (via Laughing Squid)
Miss Cellania's Links
Trump Golf Track. In case you want to keep up. (via Everlasting Blort)
When you see a face where there is no face, you'd prefer it to look a little more cheerful, wouldn't you?
The Cure-Everything Suppository for Women.
How to fight back against what the federal government is doing, and they are doing a lot. (via Fark)
Did You Know Sweden Has Its Own Version Of ‘Taco Tuesday’?
Rad or Bad? 55 Of The Wildest 80s Fashion Moments That Define an Era.