Friday, February 14, 2025

School Donation

Dating Venn

(via reddit)

Valentines Date

(Thanks, Joyce!)

What She Really Wants for Valentines Day

Roses are nice, but they're really only there for looks. On the other hand, you can eat donuts on a stick! Or burgers on a stick! Or chicken nuggets on a stick! With a Valentines Day gift like this, we could eat ourselves sick. (via Buzzfeed

Happy Valentines Day!

(via Fark)

A Valentine Collection From Simon's Cat

Simon's Cat looks for love, but it never really works out in this compilation of stories for Valentines Day.

Love Affairs and Differential Equations

In 1988, Steven Strogatz of Harvard University looked at a pair of star-crossed lovers to illustrate a math concept, "coupled ordinary differential equations." That sounds complicated, but the way he explained it with an example, even I can understand.
Romeo is in love with Juliet, but in our version of this story, Romeo is a fickle lover. The more Juliet loves him, the more he begins to dislike her. But when she loses interest, his feelings for her warm up. She, on the other hand, tends to echo him: her love grows when he loves her, and turns to hate when he hates her.
Then there's a math formula, but you can see where this is going, as if it were a movie.
The sad outcome of their affair is, of course, a never ending cycle of love and hate; their governing equations are those of a simple harmonic oscillator. At least they manage to achieve simultaneous love one-quarter of the time.
Does that remind you of anyone you know? The original paper is here. The equation can be found in various forms in math departments all across academia. (via Cliff Pickover)

Thursday, February 13, 2025


From 1898. (via Undine)

Big Penny

A cultural landmark in Lansing, Michigan. (via Give Me a Sign)


A Pampered Puss

Kikko's mom Kaitlynn really appreciates her. You can see more of this family at Instagram


(via Fark)

Human Lovers, Cat Brothers

Cathleen Cavin and Brian Herrera were matched on Tinder. They have a lot in common. They both have young daughters, and they both have orange-and-white cats. In fact, when Cavin saw Herrera's cat Butter, she exclaimed that it was her cat Ozzy. It turns out that they had adopted cats from the same shelter at around the same time. The shelter checked their records, and the two cats were from the same litter. Butter and Ozzy are brothers! The shelter even had a picture of the litter mates together when they were kittens. It was a sign that the two were meant to be together. See more pictures at Buzzfeed.

Sports Fan

(Thanks, WTM!)

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Valentine Tips

Notice one items is on both lists. (via Bad Newspaper)


The Billion-Story Building

When Keira was four years old, she told her father she wanted a billion-story building. Instead of just laughing it off, he started thinking about why it couldn't be done, and turned to Randall Munroe's What If? project to ask about the nuts and bolts of the idea. So why can't we build a billion-story building? First, there's the instability of architecture as we know it, and then there's the expense. But those are just the beginning. The real story is that people have a hard time imagining how many a billion of anything is, whether you are four years old or an educated adult. So Munroe whips up a theoretical billion-story tower so we can see how ridiculous the idea is, for so many reasons, ranging from elevators to the rotation of the earth.   

Won't Be Invited Again

Red Light, Green Light

Last month we saw Tuco Salamanca from Breaking Bad rushing through the dalgona candy game in Squid Game. The guy responsible for that, YouTuber Alternative Cuts hinted that he was working on another Breaking Bad/Squid Game mashup involving the red light, green light game. More than a month later, it's here and just as remarkable as you'd expect. Walter White is participating in the game, and displays just the right amount of horror when the truth sinks in. Jesse is in the crowd, too, as well as most of the characters from Breaking Bad, drug dealers or not. You have to admire the way they all fit in so well, but then again, the Squid Game scene is shock, gunfire, and death, and there was plenty of that in Breaking Bad. (via Laughing Squid)

Miss Cellania's Links

The 10 Most Popular Valentine’s Day Date Ideas in 2025. Get some inspiration based on other people's search history.

Sorry, Lincoln: Presidents Day Is for George Washington Only.

Bachem Ba 349 Natter: Germany’s Strangest Aircraft From World War 2.

Beds are overrated? I disagree. (via Everlasting Blort)

15 Outrageous Popcorn Buckets People Used For Cinemark’s ‘Bring Your Own Bucket’ Day.

They inherited billions from their parents. They don't want it. (via Damn Interesting)

How the Theme Song From a Maligned Martin Scorsese Movie Became New York City’s Unofficial Anthem.

ELEGNT: Expressive and Functional Movement Design for Non-Anthropomorphic Robot. It's Luxo, Jr. from the Pixar films in real life. (via Metafilter)