A series on autism starts by asking whether it is more prevalent today or just more likely to be diagnosed. There are links to the other articles in this thoughtful series. (via Metafilter)
Several decisions before the Supreme Court may affect the 2012 presidential election. Learn the issues and what each side wants.
5 things the world hated most about Kim Jong Il. It will take years to unravel all the craziness he brought North Korea.
It's a family affair: The late North Korean leader's rank passes to his 27-year-old son Kim Jong-un, who may have to battle the despot's sister Kim Kyong Hui and her husband Jang Song-taek for real power. Not to mention his two older brothers and maybe even some non-relatives.
Inside Northampton State Lunatic Asylum. A once-beautiful yet frightening facility is now an abandoned ruin.
Snow-Clearing from SUV Roofs and from Fire Hydrants: An Informal Look.
Eating Less Can Keep Your Brain Young. Young, flexible, and hungry.
As the wife of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Anne Sinclair appears to be the most accepting spouse ever. She's just "too proud to be jealous."
The World's Smallest Firefighter is 19-year-old Vince Brasco. He doesn't let being 4 feet 2 inches tall keep him from doing his job.
Take a peek at the sport of Bunny Rabbit Showjumping! These athletes are the cutest competitors of all time.
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