Pictured is meteorologist Amy Freeze.
Curious Cat Meet Musical Mouse. Only it’s all in his fuzzy little head.
Everything Great About YouTube is a huge compilation of classic clips you know and love. Oh yeah, and it’s all edited to illustrate the song “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
5 City Council Crazies! Local politics is always good for a laugh -if you live elsewhere.
“Jubilation Day” by Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers. You might miss a well-done song with funny lyrics if you are distracted by an awesomely animated video.
Kitten Plays Invisible Harp. Hold onto your stocking or you might melt from the avalanche of cuteness.
Bus Stop Boogie Boy. This is how he waits for the bus, every day.
How would you like to have a doll, er, action figure with your own face?
Danny Choo goes through the process at Clone Factory in Japan to show you how it’s done, from the photography to the 3D printing to the finished doll. (via Metafilter)
A kitten climbs into a hamster ball and finds it a pleasant place to be. Which you must admit works out just dandy for a video on the internet. (via Buzzfeed)
A Tribute To Swordfights In Cinema. This compilation is like one long fight scene, so get the popcorn ready!
He's unbelievable! He's some dog! He's a lifesaver! That's what l'll call him, too! Ol' Lifesaver! That will be your name! -Navin R. Johnson in The Jerk
Dogs are wonderful. They are goofy and fun and smart and dedicated. Most of the time, they are just fun to be around, but when the situation calls for it, some dogs go above and beyond the call of duty. Out of many, many heroic dog tales, here are ten dogs who recently saved someone’s life in a list I posted at mental_floss. That’s a good dog.
Even though Uncle Eldon and Uncle Harold protested that this instrument does not lend itself well to duets, we convinced them to try it. I mean, how often do you have two people in the same room who play the saw?Well, the odds are good that it will happen more often if they are brothers. (via Arbroath)
Finally, after six years of blogging, there's a Miss Cellania t-shirt! This lovely design by Chris Murphy is based on the masthead art by Brother Bill. Now you can wear Groucho glasses without compromising your field of vision or scaring the children! Just $14.95. The shirt is also available as a hoodie or sweatshirt if you prefer. Three different shirt colors to choose from. The Miss Cellania T-shirt is the first item in the new Miss Cellania Shop at Neatorama!
It's like a store within a store at the NeatoShop. Besides the t-shirt, you'll find other items I personally recommend (and there will be more added as we go along). The best part is that I get a cut of any purchase you make -without affecting the everyday price. Get your Miss Cellania t-shirt today, and check out the other items at the Miss Cellania Shop!