Saturday, January 04, 2025


Labyrinth is a 1986 movie written by Terry Jones and directed by Jim Henson, starring David Bowie, Jennifer Connolly, and a bunch of Muppet goblins. It's a children's fantasy in which a young girl wants to get rid of her baby brother, until her wish comes true. She must find her way through a labyrinth in order to retrieve the toddler. I'd never seen the movie until I screened this video, and the impression I get is the plot is very much like The Wizard of Oz, with a young girl traveling on a quest while gathering a group of weird new friends. And then there's Bowie as the strangely needy goblin king who has a creepy obsession with our juvenile protagonist. The movie didn't do all that well in the US, but was a hit in many other countries.


Anonymous said...

I saw it in the theater, on the big screen without distractions it was cool. Not so much the story that was basic, but the visuals were great.

Miss Cellania said...

Yeah, the effects were fantastic for 1986.