Can You Read Cursive Handwriting? The National Archives Wants Your Help.
The City with the Largest Population in the World: Welcome to Chongqing. (via Nag on the Lake)
Obelisks: A New Form of Life?
On two (legendary) occasions in 1983, the Dayton Daily News accidentally switched the captions for The Far Side and Dennis the Menace. The result lifted both cartoons to an entirely new level.
Japan's Mascots Getting Stuck in Infrastructure.
Trump's Executive Order Against Trans People Technically Makes Every American Female. (via Fark)
Heavy Metal Cat. No artificial intelligence involved, no animation software, just someone having fun with a cat video.
The Forgotten Woman Who Transformed Forensics. In the 1970s, Martha Goddard invented the rape kit. (via Kottke)
Every American is now female? YES! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Since a simplistic definition of a lesbian is "a person who has sex with another woman", I guess this also makes everyone a lesbian too.
Good stuff today Ms. C. Well, off to enjoy my new status as a Lesbian American.
Not true, Bill. There are some of us who don't have sex with anyone.
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