Friday, January 31, 2025

Miss Cellania's Links

The woman who has lived her whole life in Auschwitz. (Thanks WTM!)

Gavin Smythe, of Chagrin Falls, USA, won't believe his lying eyes. The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

This Is the One SNL Sketch With 100 Million YouTube Views. It's the clickbait title.

Officials Are Offering $1 Million to Anyone Who Can Decode This Ancient Script. It won't be easy.

To Pay for Trump Tax Cuts, House GOP Floats Plan to Slash Benefits for the Poor and Working Class. You knew they were gonna. (via Fark)

The secret to eliminating artificial intelligence slop from Google search results is easy but NSFW. (via Metafilter)

Another tribute to xoxoxoBruce.


DWVR said...

That shuts off the AI on Google, it works! Wonder how long, though.

MarkOfIowa said...

A very good tribute to Bruce. We should all be more like that. Have a good weekend, Miss C!

Anonymous said...

I'm willing to get an $80 tax cut as long as it hurts a lot of less fortunate people. /s

Miss Cellania said...

Thanks Mark, and you as well!

gwdMaine said...

Did you hear about the AI that wrote a novel? It was critically acclaimed, but the ending was predictable. Spoiler alert: the robots win.

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

SnowMan said...

I do Google searches with the udm=14 parameter, as described here:

Bruce said...

It's a sad day when Tom the Dancing Bug is the voice of reason.