Friday, January 24, 2025

An Unidentified Seismic Object

Scientists who keep their eyes on seismographs picked up a unique signal last year that lasted nine days. It went right past most of us, but researchers couldn't figure out what it meant. Did we really have an earthquake that lasted nine days? The signal was too steady for that, besides being strangely sustained. There was also a tsunami in Greenland, a wave taller than any seen before. Did an earthquake cause that? It took almost a year for scientists to figure out what happened to cause that nine-day signal, but when they did, it was not only surprising, but almost comical to picture. But it's not funny, because these extreme events will only get worse as the temperature on earth rises. Reid Reimers explains how the mystery of the nine-day signal was unraveled. There's a 40-second promotional break at the three-minute mark. (via Damn Interesting)

1 comment:

fred of Allen said...

Well, if Greenland is starting to fall apart, I don't think we should buy it unless it comes with a 1000-year warranty