Monday, January 27, 2025

The Long Courtship of a Feral Cat

You know those movies where a relationship is on a slow simmer for years and years? The one that comes to mind is When Harry Met Sally. That's sort of the way that Marmy came into Ariel Harris' life. Marmy is short for Orange Marmalade, and it's hard to believe that this fluffy cat was feral. Maybe he would be better described as a long term stray, since he wanted to be her cat from the very start. Marmy was shy but persistent, waiting six years for just the right moment to make that step inside and become a house cat. That moment finally came when Marmy was suffering and wasn't able to avoid contact with Ariel and her husband. But he adjusted well to domestic life, and is devoted to his humans. You can follow Marmy's adventures at Instagram

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