Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Toxic Comments

Every year, the company Meat & Livestock Australia puts their heart and soul into an ad campaign to get people eating local lamb meat. The 2025 ad is a live-action recreation of the internet, complete with comment sections represented by people in bleachers enjoying the show. Everyone's got something to say, but no one has anything to say that you haven't already heard. First, people disagree about whether the thing they've just seen is any good. Then they disagree about whether it's even real. Then they fight with each other. It's obvious that if real life were like the internet, we'd have to invent some alternate world to get away from it. The point is that no one agrees on anything, except the wonderful allure of grilled Australian lamb.  


Anonymous said...

I'd eat more lamb myself, but it's so expensive here in the US.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahahaha, just wait until PETA weighs in, mate.

Marco McClean said...

It reminds me of Trevor Moore (RIP) - The Ballad of Billy John. (There are swears.)

WilliamRocket said...

Your orange wanna be king would hate that, too much inclusion of different races.