Friday, November 03, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Cats Have 276 Facial Expressions. They've been scientifically documented. (via Fark, where you'll find plenty of examples)

28 Bizarre Traditions That Keep Peoples’ Holidays Weird.

Toyota has built an EV with a fake transmission, and we’ve driven it. But is this toy worth the added expense?

A Life Less Ordinary with a Real-Life Snow White. Simona Kossak's life reads like a nature documentary crossed with a rom-com.

The Real History Behind Netflix’s Rustin Movie. 

These American Towns Have Little Or No People Living In Them. But the word should be "few."

Women Share The Worst Things Men Have Told Them In A Professional Setting.

They thought he was a goner but the cat came back.

What’s the Difference Between “Vintage,” “Antique,” and “Retro”? Just be aware that everyday people selling old furnishings often don't use the terms correctly.   


rick shapiro said...

"These American Towns Have Little Or No People Living In Them. But the word should be "few."" Correct. English has a continuity gender, with two valences: continuous and discrete; and quantification adjectives must agree with the continuity gender of the noun that they modify. Thus, you can say "much water" or "many molecules of water"; but you cannot say "many water" or "much molecules of water". Similarly for the antonyms, you can say "little water" or "few molecules of water"; but you cannot say "few water" or
"little molecules of water". One caveat is that the word "little" has a second meaning, referring to size, rather than quantity; so you can say "many little molecules" but not "little little molecules".

gwdMaine said...

You're not old Miss C., you're vintage. Happy Friday!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

chich said...

"They thought he was a goner but the cat came back." Now I have to watch that NFB video :P

xoxoxoBruce said...

Cats only have two facial expressions for people, Feed Me and I'll Kill You Later.

rick... few water lawns... too much water... English be hard. ;o)

Bicycle Bill said...

The reason cats haven't yet killed all hoomans is because they lack opposable thumbs and can't operate a can opener – and even now, polydactylic cats are working on the thumb situation.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those bizarre holiday traditions are terrific! But the Easter butter lamb is a real tradition from Ukrainian culture. Eaten with the Easter meal, the butter lamb symbolizes Christ as the Lamb of God. I almost went to a workshop one year to learn how to make a butter lamb because they are quite cleverly made. It's still my ambition to make one some day.