Saturday, June 10, 2023

Why We Should Be Thankful for Anesthesia

Modern medicine has made things so much easier for us, with vaccines, antibiotics, chemotherapy, and anesthesia. But surgery itself is pretty old. What was that like before we had knockout drugs? Do you really want to know? Back then you didn't want surgery ever, unless it was a life-or-death situation. Yeah, you could drink alcohol, but that made uncontrollable bleeding more likely. Harder drugs were tried, but they might just kill you. But this TED-Ed video is not all about the agony of surgery while awake, but goes through the history of how proper anesthetics were developed. It was a bumpy ride from there to where we are now. (via Digg)


xoxoxoBruce said...

Yes, much improved. Grandma was saying when she was younger the doctor made her take all her clothes at checkups. But thanks to improvements in medicine 70 years later she just has to stick out her tongue.

Tim said...

When I was under anesthesia, I did not feel anything--I did not feel like I was floating or in a dream.

One minute I was in the operating room; the next minute I was in recovery. I had no idea how long I was under.

Lars said...

years ago I ran across a humorous cross discipline comic. and is still exists in the ether. fpound a version at bottom of this article. Neil Bennett cartoonist

(sorry for the long text above image. cannot find a way to only attach the .jpg)