Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Cable Car That You Pedal by Hand

Throwing a cable across a ravine is easier than building a bridge. Actually, throwing a cable across is the first step to building a bridge, but sometimes the project stops there, because people can cross with a cable, if they are brave enough. Slovenia has several manual cable cars strung across some of its more inaccessible ravines, but Tom Scott found only one that is regularly maintained. When you see it, you'll have your doubts. But Tom watched other people use it, and was game to demonstrate it for us. There's no way on earth you'd get me in that thing, even if I were being chased by some bad guys out of an Indiana Jones movie, and I grew up in the land of rickety swinging footbridges. Would you ride a rusty 70-year-old zipline? If heights make you queasy, be warned that they do show images of what Tom is crossing.


WilliamRocket said...

Lets all look up the word pedal.

xoxoxoBruce said...

In your pedant dictionary or ours?

Perfectly safe, didn't you see him hook up that safety chain?
Besides, what are the chances of all the cables breaking at once.