Monday, June 05, 2023

Phone Addiction Kinetic Sculpture

JBV Creative explores the intersection of art and engineering. He's a mechanical engineer who gave in to his creative side. In his latest project, he built a kinetic sculpture to show the way humans look when we are all staring at our phones while going about the day's business. In this video, he shows us how and why he did it. Skip ahead to the 12-minute mark to see the finished artwork in action. The figures, which he calls "buddies," might remind you of Weebles if you are Gen X, because they wobble but they don't fall down. If you are a Baby Boomer, you will no doubt recognize the shape of a schmoo. (via the Awesomer)


Bicycle Bill said...

They bear a stronger resemblance to the Kigmy (Kig-me, sounds like 'kick me'), also a creation from the mind of Al Capp, in that they have arms.


Anonymous said...

I love that it doesn't work correctly.
Unfortunately that makes it even less practical as an art installation.
Which ironically makes it better.