Sunday, June 04, 2023

Mother Moose

We mere humans often don't realize how large moose are until we see them in relation to something else. A hungry bear would love to feast on moose meat, but the full-grown moose is much bigger than the bear. But she has two young calves. The bear would have a much easier time with one of those tasty young calves, but their mama will defend those calves with her life!

The bear doesn't want to give up, though, and keeps making his moves in between retreating up a tree. The people recording this interaction a couple of weeks ago in Anchorage are safely far away, as you can see from the camera movement and refocusing. It's a good thing, too, because these are two very dangerous animals. They don't tell us how the whole episode ended; we can assume the animals moved out of camera range. We hope the bear gave up and decided to go fishing instead. (via Digg)

1 comment:

xoxoxoBruce said...

That's a very lucky bear. A moose isn't content to knock you down, they proceed to perform a flamenco dance on you... and it hurts... a lot.