Friday, June 16, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

You'll find plenty of gems in the Dumb Or Overly Forced Astronomical Acronyms Site, which of course lends itself to the acronym DOOFAAS. (via Kottke)

Why Should I Pound My Chicken Breasts? Four reasons why pounding chicken breasts flat makes them tastier and easier to cook.

King Charles drew both his parents when he was five or six years old. They and other childhood drawings will be up for auction on Friday as part of a collection of royal memorabilia. (via Boing Boing)

Sarasota Classic Car Museum Gets Eviction Notice: Out in 30 Days. It's a part of Ron DeSantis' makeover of New College, who owns the building. (via Fark)

The Woman Who Opened the World’s First Museum in 500 BCE. 

When a 10-year-old girl complained of mysterious pain, a doctor suspected child abuse. How far would she go to prove it? (via Damn Interesting)

How the Queen of True Crime Transformed Murder Stories Forever. That was Ann Rule, who wrote for men until she wrote for women. (via Metafilter)

The Problem with Universal Translators.

The Real Life Inspiration for Tiana in Disney's The Princess and the Frog.


gwdMaine said...

English: I'm a flat earther
French: je suis un terreur plat

French: je suis un terreur plat
English: i am a flat terror

One does not simply trust Google Translate.

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

xoxoxoBruce said...

The Sarasota car museum is just another victim, among many, of Dictator DeSantis.

Dr Sally Smith is a good example of why privatizing government services is bad.
Companies contracting must show results or lose the contract. People employed by them are laser focused on finding problems and one missed could cost them their job. However 5 miscalls that separate families needlessly, just get dismissed with a better-safe-than-sorry attitude.

newton said...

Apparently the Japanese language often takes advantage of assumptions that the speaker and listener understand, and therefore don't need to be spoken. This makes translation by a machine very difficult.

There's a Facebook page dedicated to humorous Google translations of Japanese restaurant reviews: