Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Lonely Cat Song

What could be more heartbreaking than a cat left alone while his human is at work? A cat named George Rufus sang a deep and profound song about his misery, and touched the heart of South African musician David Scott, known as The Kiffness. Or at least it's deep and profound for a cat. The Kiffness added a musical accompaniment and a few more lyrics to bring George's plaintive blues to life. By the time this song is over, you'll be shedding a tear for a poor lonely cat. Go give your kitty a hug and maybe you'll feel better.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, the existential angst!

xoxoxoBruce said...

Balderdash, they're glad to see you go. They hate weekends with you telling them to get off the mantle, keep off the counter, stop clawing the couch, nag nag nag.