Thursday, June 15, 2023

Ceiling Cat is Watching You

You should turn the closed captions on to follow this video in English. It will be worth it.

In LOLcat culture, "ceiling cat" refer to the cat deity who is above all because he lives in the ceiling and watches your every move. A South Korean mother and daughter had the feeling that someone was watching them in the bathroom. It was a cat, peering down through the light fixture opening, judging them daily. How did a cat get into their ceiling? The cat stayed up there, observing the women from above, for a couple of months. They got to know the cat, and found out how he got in. He wasn't trapped, but did not want to leave the ceiling. Life was pretty good up there after all, especially when the family started feeding him. But this situation couldn't go on forever.

They finally called the Korean Animal Welfare Association, who helped set a trap and patiently waited for the cat to enter the apartment at last. They say they are fostering the cat until a new home can be arranged, but from the looks of their investment in luxury cat equipment, you get the feeling that the cat will be staying there for a long time.

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