Monday, June 19, 2023

Cancer as a City Battle

At its most basic level, cancer is when our own cells decide to grow out of control. In this video, Kurzgesagt describes the immune system's battle against cancer in an analogy of a city and its emergency systems going up against a chaotic gang of dangerous troublemakers, some of them with malevolent supernatural power. So who wins the battle? It's hard to say, because this can all go on without us ever knowing it. But concerning the cancers that become bad enough for us to detect them, we are learning more and more about building more powerful weapons against cancer all the time.

1 comment:

xoxoxoBruce said...

At about 9½ minutes he says; "-but if human ingenuity is to be trusted, then one day, maybe in the not too distant future, we will eradicate it once and for all."
How could that be possible? It's not like a germ or virus that invades from living elsewhere, it's our own cells run amok. What will you do, threaten them (via a vaccine) with detention if they mutate? There's no way to stop the from mutating. They're triggered by a ton of different things, we're told, so you can't eradicate all the triggers. Hopefully science will come up with a 99% effective treatment for cancer in each type of our cells. That's a lot of specific treatments but it may be possible to combine some. I'm afraid I'll be long gone before that happens. Keep whispering in Big Pharma's ear, $$Billions$$