Monday, January 03, 2022

Mountains of Mannequins in the Midlands

Recycling is good, but re-using items instead of manufacturing new things is even better for the environment. Mannequins are made of fiberglass, which not only won't decompose, but is also notoriously difficult to recycle. Roz Edwards sort of fell into the business of putting mannequins back into use in one way or another. The ones that are useable are refurbished and sold or rented. Others go into a mountain of fake body parts where people can take as much as they can in 15 minutes for £75. It's creepy and crazy, but Mannakin has turned out to be a viable business. Tom Scott shows us how the weirdness works.  

1 comment:

xoxoxoBruce said...

Yeah, creepy.
However burying around the yard with just fingertips, a butt cheek, or a nose showing, might keep the whippersnappers off the lawn.