Saturday, November 04, 2023

That Time Again

Reminder: we go back to standard time tonight. (via Fark)


xoxoxoBruce said...

No no, lengthen the working day so people go to work and come home in the dark. LoL
One place I worked I drove the last half mile on a straight, light colored concrete road directly into the rising Sun. For a couple weeks the sun visor was useless, just couldn't see anything more than 10 ft away.
Ah, finally the Sun was higher each morning... BAM, daylight savings.

Dante said...

I favor seasonally adjusted business hours, even though people are quick to tell me it's untenable. Doesn't seem any more preposterous than widespread ageement to DST.

Bicycle Rider said...

Follow India's lead and split the difference change the time on the half hour...