Friday, November 03, 2023

I Can Comply


Bicycle Bill said...

I'm surprised there aren't two or three you-know-whats, wearing their red MAGA hats, jumping and fishing from the bridge because "Nobody's gonna tell ME what to do!" – just like they did during the early part of the pandemic with the masks and the vaccine.


Anonymous said...

Really? You see this silly sign and think, "MAGA"?

Apparently TDS is real...

Anonymous said...

They need to put the suicide prevention number up there as well.

dan gerene said...

TDS, Trump's Defensive Sycophants, Trump's Detestable Seditionists or Trump Deluded Simpletons. If Trump would have just gone back to his business after his defeat at the polls people would file him away as history just like George W.Bush. But he is still out there because his ego can't go without constant attention, good or bad. Plus, the money he gets from his supporters is better than his other business dealings.

Anonymous said...

What is a Trump?

Anonymous said...

Good to see that "owning the libtards" isn't as much fun anymore; but, yeah, maga people have feelings, too. I'm definitely in favor of taking the rhetoric down a notch, on both sides.