Sunday, November 05, 2023


When was the last time you heard of Steak-umm? Let's see what the company has been up to. While they still sell frozen sandwich meat, for the last couple of years they've also been on a campaign to educate the public on media literacy, and to fight against misinformation, disinformation, and outright fraud. Their Deepsteaks ad warns that artificial intelligence and deepfake technology can manipulate anyone against their will, to the point of making dedicated vegans say they love steak. This is the ultimate in identity theft, when someone with a computer can put you in a video saying things and doing things you would never do.

The focus group in the video by ad agency Tombras isn't made up of actors, but real vegans, and while parts of this video are deepfaked, their responses to the shenanigans are real. They didn't have to be called back in, because creating the deepfakes of the vegans only took about 20 minutes. It left them feeling eerily violated. The point is that this kind of manipulation isn't limited to celebrities and politicians, but could happen to anyone. (via Boing Boing)

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