Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Vandalism by Drone


It's another case of modern technology harnessed for nefarious purposes. Happens all the time. This one is pretty weird. 

A hotel manager in New Jersey was shocked when the pool turned bright green. It wasn't an algae green, but more like chartreuse, as if 100 people had suddenly peed in the pool. It looked like a scene out of The Toxic Avenger. It happened over and over, and in other pools around the area, too. Finally, there was a witness to a drone dropping a dye pack in his pool! Was it a rival hotel owner, or a pool cleaning company? Police arrested a guy who owned an HVAC company, so the motive is still unclear, just like the pools he bombed.


Anonymous said...

> just like the pools he bombed.

I lol'd

chich said...

Reminds me os a story I told about Northern Ireland during the troubles. They caught a glass shop owner who was setting off bombs near gov't buildings so he could get the contracts to replace the shattered windows.