Saturday, September 02, 2023

No One Eats These Once-Popular Foods Anymore

The 20th century was all about innovation. We got airplanes, atomic bombs, computers, and men walking on the moon. The food industry also made great strides in bringing new product to market, some that became quite popular because they were tasty, trendy, and cheap. But some of the most popular foods we ate back in the day are hardly on anyone's radar anymore. What happened?

To be honest, we just turned to better food. The trendy, innovative food products that we grew up on were ultra-processed, and contained staggering amounts of salt and/or sugar. Some foods were replaced by something tastier, or easier, or at least more nutritious. And we learned that simple, fresh food can be amazing. There's no need to "stretch your meat dollar" when you realize that meat is not necessary at every meal. Mashed gives us the lowdown on ten foods you may have grown up with that don't seem all that appetizing anymore.    


Bicycle Bill said...

How dare they diss cottage cheese?   Next they're probably going to go after buttermilk.  

And as for some of the others, like beans and weenies, sloppy joes (and if you're from the upper Midwest, then you know that a TRUE Maid-Rite is NOT a sloppy joe, and vice-versa). or ambrosia salad?  Well, if all you trendies, so-called 'foodies', and Instant Graham influencers wanna shun and bad-mouth them in favor of a $5 hot dog from a sidewalk food cart, or go to some up-scale place that places more emphasis on atmosphere and presentation than the quality and value of the product they're putting on the table in front of you to order a $20 hamburger so overstuffed with add-ons that has to be eaten with a knife snd fork – GREAT!!  Leaves more of the 'poor-boy' comfort food for me.


Tim said...

About Sunny Delight changing a girl's color: a niece of ours, as a young child, at so many carrots her skin color changed as well--and because of the same things.

I still like sloppy joes live in the Midwest and have never heard or seen Maid Rite restaurants.

When I hear "franks and beans," I think of the movie "There's Something About Mary" first since I do not like the beans.

gwdMaine said...

Franks & Beans and Sloppy Joes are still regulars at home. Yum. And in over 50 years I've never had a sloppy joe that you could anywhere near eat with your hands. All that deliciousness dumped over open faced hamburger buns. Also, summer would not be complete without at least one pistachio ambrosia with marshmallows.

Professor Batty said...

Cottage Cheese?

Makes a great base for a fruit salad.

Or is fruit salad a no-no as well?

Miss Cellania said...

Do y'all really buy a lot of cottage cheese? I think the last time I bought any was when I was packing school lunches, but even then the kids preferred string cheese.

There are plenty of better cheeses around.

gwdMaine said...

It wasn't until the 80's that we were able to succinctly describe cottage cheese: Gag me with a spoon. Never mind the taste, just look at it. More like gagged me with a spoon.