Friday, September 15, 2023



Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's not cutter.

Anonymous said...

At least the food wouldn't attract bugs.

Bicycle Rider said...

Spraying butter-flavored cooking spray on yourself is not likely to kill you, though it might make you more attractive to bears and other critters.

Anonymous said...

I always take some spray butter to myself before getting in bed with my spouse.

Anonymous said...

I nearly hair-sprayed my hair with RAID once.

Anonymous said...

@Bicycle Rider: No, but eating food cooked on cookware sprayed with insect repellent won't do you any good.

A Chisholm Trail re-enactor once told me about the time one of his fellow re-enactors had breakfast duty. Guy woke up before dawn and set about making breakfast for everyone else, and while working in the dark while half-awake, stumbled upon the discovery that when both are stored in period-correct jars, vegetable shortening for greasing muffin pans and dish soap look and feel exactly the same. He wasn't allowed to make breakfast any more.