Thursday, April 05, 2012

Miss Cellania's Links

14 Wonderfully Geeky Easter Eggs.

What's in a School Hamburger? A lot more than just beef! (via Breakfast Links)

The Hunger Games director is playing hardball about his deal for the second film. But will a director make a bit of difference in how many people see the next movie in the series?

Chinese paleontologists discovered a new dinosaur species, which might be the largest feathered animal ever. It's an early version of a T.rex they named Yutyrannus huali, meaning “beautiful feathered tyrant.”

ECCEROBOT is an anthropomimetic robot, built with bones, muscles, and tendons to move the way humans do. And it does, which is creepy enough, but that face will haunt your dreams.

If you are inclined to take home decorating tips from three hardcore headbangers, watch their unique method of adding a nice texture to interior walls during painting.

A nightmare came true for Helen Collins when her husband suddenly died. Then she had to land the plane he was flying, with instructions from her son on the ground.

The Week magazine has a toy that will give you a bad opinion, something that was really said by someone at some time in history. Which turned out to be really, really wrong.

It's been almost two years since YesButNoButYes ceased updating. There's been some big changes in the lives of Adam (Echowood) and Johnny (Wright).

6 Easter Traditions You Might Not Know. But a few you might want to try out yourself!

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