War and Social Upheaval Cause Spikes in
Zombie Movie Production.
The World’s Largest Truck Stop. It covers 75 acres and has everything a truck driver ever needs.
An Ontario Family Court judge summarizes
a divorce case in 45 pages, which you will want to read in their entirety. Do not skip the footnotes: “A finger is worth a thousand words and, therefore, is particularly useful should one have a vocabulary of less than a thousand words.” (via
Juan of the Dead is a Cuban zombie horror/comedy film. It’s gory and bloody, and I can’t wait to see the whole thing!
From Zippo Cars to the Peepmobile:
7 Bizarre Marketing Vehicles. Ah, the perfect ride to the prom!
Sometimes state flags are surprisingly good at wrestling. Sometimes every state flag has their little idiosyncrasies someone should humorously point out.
Why do some Americanisms irritate people? Meaning people from other countries, that is, so it would behoove us to find out what they're talking about. (via
5 Famous Ad Campaigns That Actually Hurt Sales. Of sure, you remember them after all those years, but you still don't buy the product ...whatever it was. NSFW text. (via
Huffpost Weird News)
Millie, Phillie, Billy, Groin, Sproing, Boing & Chad are dwarves from
The Hobbit. They're making the leap from literature to the big screen, and
you can see some of them at Film Drunk.