Saturday, February 03, 2024

Dial Up Modem Song

The sound of a dial-up modem scared us when we first heard it, then as we became used to it, it turned into an annoyance. Harsh and dissonant, we did not miss it a bit when we upgraded to various kinds of broadband internet connections. But then years went by, and the only place you heard that sound was in "young people don't know these things" listicles, which just made us feel old. Yeah, I'm speaking for myself.  Jonny Wilson, also known as Eclectic Method, took the grating yet nostalgic sound of a dial-up connection and made it into "Dial Up Modem Song," which may get stuck in your head. It's the best that noise has ever sounded. (via Laughing Squid)

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love it, LOL! Boy, I sure don't miss modems.