Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Typewriter

In 1950, Leroy Anderson wrote a song that uses a typewriter as a percussion instrument. The song was called "The Typewriter." At the time, everyone knew how a typewriter sounded, especially the satisfying sounds it made in the hands of a professional. Many years later, Ariel Avissar made a supercut of movie clips synced to "The Typewriter." How many movies can you think of that feature a typewriter? One- The Shining, right? You'll be surprised at how many of these clips you recognize. It's just that when these films were made, using a typewriter was such a mundane activity that it rarely stood out from all the other stuff in the movie. One of these days, someone will make a supercut of movie clips where people are using their thumbs to type texts. I can't imagine what kind of song they'll use. (via Nag on the Lake)


Richard said...

Thanks.it is a funny song.

SnowMan said...

It's a song I have enjoyed for many years. I started typing on my grandfather's Underwood typewriter back in the 60s, followed by a high school typing class in the early 70s (also on manual typewriters, though each of us got to use an IBM Selectric for a few days).

newton said...

I was once waiting for a court case (speeding ticket), and there was a young teenager waiting next to me. She had very long painted nails. She was texting on her phone so fast that my jaw dropped. The clicking of her nails on the phone screen sounded just like these typewriters--just as fast too!