Thursday, December 14, 2023

All I Want


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Please, Santa, please!!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to be ruled by a communist gay black woman.

Anonymous said...

Well, we don't really have an empire anymore, so that one's done and dusted. We have a white supremacist faction, but they're not actually running things, so so as long as everybody votes, that one shouldn't be a problem. Capitalism, as they say, is the worst system except for every other one that's been tried, so I don't really want to give that one up yet. Hard to get rid of the hetero part, since most of us are, and I don't see that getting rid of it would make most things better, especially with the authoritarian stands that people of alternate genders and sexualities tend to take with matters such as the use of pronouns and other such words whose usage can destroy careers and so on. As for patriarchy, well, sure, a few more women in government might help. Or not, if the Anne Coulters, Laura Ingrahams, Megyn Kellys and other such trolls are the women you're talking about. All I'm saying is, if that's all I'm getting for Christmas, it's not going to be a very merry one.

Anonymous said...

> I want to be ruled by a communist gay black woman.

That's an extra two-fifty.

gwdMaine said...

I just want a bicycle. Put some fun between my legs.