Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Loyal Customer

I used to get an introductory offer by requesting to cancel my cable package, but Spectrum told me I must cancel and wait three months to get the introductory offer. That's hard to do when you work on the internet and they are the only ISP in town. I've been a customer for 25 years, through three buyouts now.

I've had a Citibank credit card for 28 years, but they refuse to lower my interest rate. They are willing to raise my credit limit to astronomical heights, however. (via reddit)


Anonymous said...

Time to go shopping.

Miss Cellania said...

Oh, I got a better credit card. Not much I can do about the ISP.

hearsetrax said...

thar used to be a place called "the list" but seems 404 or taken over by some womens type e-rag

irisclara said...

Preach it, sister!

You should call your congressman and complain to the FCC. If you're still in MY the rural broadband stuff might make even Republican congressmen should care.

Jane said...

I had similar experiences and it's frogging ridunkulous. I dumped the cable part of my bill but had to keep the internet service. Then I signed up for PSVUE so I could watch all my cable & local channels via internet. Dumped the phone portion of the "Bundle of 3" and went with magic jack for VoIP 'landline' keeping same number for $29/year. So all in all I saved almost $100 a month. As for the credit card? "Congratulations, we have just increased your credit line by 10million dollars"!! They suck