Friday, February 02, 2024

Thug Notes Does The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

If you’ve never watched the YouTube series Thug Notes, you’re missing one of the gems of the internet. The host, Sparky Sweets, PhD, breaks down great works of literature in plain street language (only slightly NSFW). In the latest episode, he reviews The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

Sweets manages to describe and explain the classic in a straightforward way that I’ve always struggled with. The most I can ever really tell someone about the book is that it’s strangely deep and funny at the same time and they really should read it. Sometimes that works, but this is better. (via Tastefully Offensive


WilliamRocket said...

A negative review of Thud Notes' Hitchhikers.

I got 45 seconds in before his grating voice and exclamatory style irked me beyond acceptance.

Having experienced THGTTG firstly through the radio adaptation (my dad would have it on in his workshop), then by reading the books, then visually on TV - with the wonderful voice of the narrator ... to then have it all pretty much ruined by watching the so disappointing movie, I now do not brook any substandard renditions of these wonderful tomes.

My ancestors fought Tito so I wouldn't have to accept second best.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah yeah, all smug and shit because they know the answer is 42.
But they forget the wee fact that Adams was a writer and that ilk tend to streamline if not twist the facts, in order to smooth their books.
You can go around claiming 42 but try using it, where the rubber meets the road so to speak, you'll find out it's actually 41.9786. Using 42 will put you in a galaxy far far away to the right of Elon Musk.