After 65 years on Malaga Island, Maine, the descendants of community founder Benjamin Darling were suddenly evicted and sent to a home for the feeble-minded. Almost 100 years later, the island is still uninhabited. (via Metafilter)
To every thing there is a purpose: The Stink in Farts Controls Blood Pressure. Alrighty then.
Gorgeous underwater footage of wildlife in the Galapagos, set to appropriate music. Don't miss the whale shark in the last minute!
The Ten Signs of Intellectual Honesty. I know some people who show these characteristics; no wonder I can't help but respect them.
Static electricity and gasoline fumes are a deadly combination. About 100 static-sparked fires occur at gas stations each year.
The Haunted Hospital. Waverly Hills Sanatorium has been a TB hospital, a nursing home, a failed religious monument, and now a paranormal investigation site.
Our world is a big, beautiful, and sometimes scary place. Learn more about it with 82 Epic Elemental Phenomena and Natural Disasters.
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