Saturday, August 03, 2024


This was submitted for a job at a doggy daycare just recently. The best we can figure is that someone filled out a resume form (it's not Mrs. Stanford), and didn't pay attention when they were copy/pasting. And didn't proofread, either. (via reddit

1 comment:

Vireya said...

I'm worried about the holiday party.
So each kid brings packets of cookies to a total of 24. My favourites come in packs of 11, so I'll have to bring 3 packs, and perhaps eat the extra 9 myself? Plus I eat the 23 other cookies provided by the rest of the class. I get some unspecified amount of milk to wash down all that. If I haven't already thrown up I have to sit and watch a movie, rather than do anything to burn off all the energy from all those cookies.
At least I am in my pyjamas and have a blanket for when I get carted off to hospital.