Thursday, August 22, 2024

19 Years

Can you believe that Miss Cellania has been a thing for 19 years? Most years, when this anniversary comes around (if I don't forget it, which I have quite a few times), I tend to go through a history of the site, or else reminisce about the beginning of the blog. I think I'll forego all that this year and save it for the 20th anniversary. By then I hope to be fully retired and able to put a real effort into it.

Instead, let's look at where we've come. You know that the advent of social media caused an explosion in numbers of people who use the internet, yet most of those new users never venture into the wider world wide web. It's also sucked a lot of users away from traditional blogs because it's just easier to rely on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram to feed people what they want to see, based on algorithms that know what they've read previously. Therefore, traffic for traditional blogs is down everywhere.

In the last few years, maximizing profit has gotten so out of hand that half of what you see is padded word count for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes and filled with ads where illustrations should be. A lot of the information is straight copied from other sites or rendered by artificial intelligence. I can't say that I produce quality or original content because I'm a link blogger, but at least I steer people to other sites and credit the source of the things I share, without the unnecessary padding. And I try to avoid using junk sites. Old school, ya know. But surfing the 'net to find quality things to link to is getting harder all the time.

Meanwhile, so many of the bloggers that I admired at the beginning have given up, moved on to other things, or are stuck in a loop of chasing dollars to support their habit. Some have died. Yes, there are still some old school hobby blogs around; you can see some in the "Recommended Blogs" section in the sidebar here. But there are fewer of them every day. I've been lucky in that I never invested anything in Miss Cellania. I've never had to depend on this site for a living. It's my hobby. Therefore, no desperation.

Lest you think this post is a downer, let me get to the point. Blog traffic is down everywhere, but I've noticed over the last couple of years that Miss Cellania is doing relatively well, with more people coming here than some surprising and profitable legacy blogs. And I can vouch for the quality of the readers. Many of you I consider friends! I guess people settle down to stick with what they like, and I can attribute the longevity of this blog to the readers who keep coming back to see the stuff I like, because you like it, too.

And that's why I do this. Miss Cellania is basically a place for me to share things that I find funny, informative, or at least interesting with friends. And I am exceedingly grateful to my friends who come here to see those things. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Pat yourself on the back, for keeping Miss Cellania around for 19 years!      

Top image from Married to the Sea.



Professor Batty said...

You and Minnesotastan have been my go-to link-bloggers for years, always reliable and sometimes inspiring. Congratulations and keep up the good work! I'm in my 20th year of blogging and, while commenting is down, I still get personal reactions from my posts.

Anonymous said...

One of my first stops online for too many years to remember. Thank you so much!

Hearsetrax said...

Congrats on 19th year and cheers to the 20th
Thanks for the inspiring posts and great laughs

Anonymous said...

Thanks ;-)

Anonymous said...

You are part of my morning, Miss Cellania. If you quit I'd be most distressed.

Lilylou said...

I read you every day, as one of the first things on my early morning agenda. I mentally note what I want to come back to and read later. So I check in a few times a day and enjoy your selection of goofy, funny, serious things that appeal to me. Thank you!

jo said...

You’re my first site I go to every morning

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy 19th Blogoversary, Miss C! This is one of my favourite blogs! Keep going strong!

KaraBoo said...

Happy anniversary! My morning routine is 1. Comics, 2. You, and then 3. TYWKIWDBI. If time allows, a glance at google news. I used to have Arbroath in-between you and Minnesotstan, and I still miss him after all these years. So keep up the excellent work, er, hobby!

MarkOfIowa said...

Happy Anniversary, Miss C! I tried to figure out when I started to follow you, and could not remember it'd been that long. May you soon be able to retire, and work on the blog as a woman of leisure!
Take care, MarkOfIowa

Anonymous said...

Like for many others you have been a part of my morning routine for many years, probably not all 19 but at least 17. I trust you more than any algoritm to provide me with interesting, clever and funny stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hi all! Long time follower and reader. My blogspot handle used to be “deepsea33” I think I was linked originally from Cynical-C, (yo Chris I’m still following your IG) and perhaps nothing to do with arbroath (RIP Kev) . I certainly enjoy your blog and the fun posts and commentary. I also feel that odd kinship of having been a reader for so long and feeling like “one of the gang” albeit in this fiber-thin connection, it’s been a constant on my screen and feed that I always enjoy. Thank you! Congrats on the longevity, wishing you many happy posts and happiness to come. -Jef

gwdMaine said...

I've been lucky in that I never invested anything in Miss Cellania.

Oh Miss C., my goodness. You are being much too modest and selling yourself way too short. You might have invested little to no money in this, but the time and effort you've put forth is incalculable, especially considering the personal trials and tribulations you've had to deal with. And the ever growing number of comments here is a testament to that. Congratulations on 19 years and looking forward to the year ahead.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Kendra said...

Been with you since the beginning and you just keep getting better and better. All my best and hugs to you!

Celie said...

Newer reader. Huge fan!

Der Mellow said...

I'm deeply thankful for your delightful blog.
Would you please be so kind to keep on another 19 years 😃

Anonymous said...

I no longer remember when or how I found you, but I stop in at least once every day. I'm guessing from some of your posts that we must be a year or so different in age. That would explain why we find the same things funny or interesting.
Keep it up; I'll keep coming back.

lolarusa said...

No idea how long we've been visiting your blog--a good, long time. Emphasis on good. You're one of the "blog friends" I found in the early days of my own blog, and much more faithful at posting than I've been lately. Thanks. Hope you keep it up for a good, long time.

Bicycle Bill said...

How am I ever going to be able to tell my fianc̩e that there will always be another woman Рyou Рin my life?


Anonymous said...

I had intended to send a greeting this morning... shit, yesterday morning, as I knew it was 19 day but my PC decided to be an attention whore for 14 hours. Grrrr
Got to get a new one but I get so confused looking at the options I give up exasperated.
"...fully retired and able to put a real effort into it."
It's the very top of the Blog pile now, mind boggling to imagine better. Thank you.

Massimo said...

Hi there MissC! Congrats for yout blog's 19th bday! So happy you're still sharing your wonderful sense of humor with us all: I visit your blog every single day (multiple times a day, to be totally honest with you) and always leave with a smile on my face and a lighter attitude towards the day and life in general, like only a chat with a friend can do. So different from the frantic and bulimic environment of all social media platform where interesting things are there too but more and more buried in s**t. We'll probably never meet IRL (not so easy for a guy living in Italy to visit Kentucky, I must be honest) but please do know you're humor and your gentle way of sharing stories from your personal life are deeple loved and cared for over here! <3

Miss Cellania said...

Thanks, y'all, for the comments! It's like you are signing my birthday card.

Rick said...

Every morning I start my day with a look at the weather then on to your site for a wake up smile session. Thank you

Bilbo said...

There are only two blogs I read every day, and yours is the first one. I started my own blog in 2006, so you're a year ahead of me ... and I hope you keep it up for a lot longer! Congratulations and best wishes!

Leila said...

Hi Miss Cellania! I start every day with your blog! Please keep up the good work! Oh- I also have a relic site. I have one of the last X-Files fan sites. It's a humor site. Ilustrated by my drawn charicatures. If anyone is still a fan, come visit my site at "Leila's X-Files Homepage". At my site, Mulder and Scully are retired now, but that doesn't mean they've stopped having paranormal incidents.

Vireya said...

Happy Blogiversary!

SandDollarSue said...

Yes, happy day & thanks for sharing the good stuff with us. I love stopping by. Best wishes for your new year!

Anonymous said...

Thank you and happy anniversary! Wishing you (and us) many happy returns.

Minnesotastan said...

Sincere congratulations from one of your weekly readers. Your longevity in the profession is one of the few things making me feel relatively young.

Ole phat Stu said...

Congratulations at 19; I am at 22 already ;-)

seafury said...

Here's to 19 more keep up the good work

Mary Kirkland said...

Congrats on 19 years, that's so amazing. So many bloggers have left and never came back. I've had my blog for 19 years too.

Andy said...

I always look forward to clicking Miss Cellania on my toolbar. You are a skilled curator and make the world that much happier. Thank you very much.

Mark S said...

I keep coming back :) x

madamjujujive said...

Sorry to be so late in congratulating you, Miss C - I was offline for a spell. You remain a blogging inspiration - your continued output of so many interesting and fun things is much appreciated! Thank you!

Matt_Muir said...

Congratulations on an amazing anniversary, from one link obsessive to another x

Hanan said...

Happy birthday to you and the blog! Good on you to persist and thrive like that.

I am adding you now again to my daily reading list (which had dwindled from hundreds to 6 or 7 old-time blogs), so I can follow you again, and support your efforts.

You deserve all success.

Hanan said...

Congratulations on such a long wonderful achievement!