Tuesday, August 27, 2024


This will make more sense when the kid learns the difference between a plunger and a plumber. (via reddit)


Anonymous said...

He noticed whoever used the plunger to clear the clog was loved.

Marco McClean said...

/When you are born to do something and you know it./ I know what this feels like. When I was a little boy I tried to plunge the toilet to make if flush right. I kept trying and it kept not working, and I didn't give up, because if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. I was wasting a lot of water. My grandmother, whose mother's maiden name was Paulsinski, but was changed to Paulsy when they came to America in the late 1800s, came in, said, "Gimme that," took the plunger from me, said, "I'm gonna show you something you can use for the rest of your life. This is called the Paulsy plunge." She crouched down, pressed the flush lever, held the plunger shaft with both hands, set the rubber part firmly on the drain hole, and /jammed it down and up, down and up, down and up/, really putting her whole skinny little body into it. She let the water level get up near the rim, pulled the plunger out, stood back up, and voila. Now, several times in my life I have seen someone trying and failing to get results from a plunger. They are doing it wrong. It's like they're politely asking it to work for them, not laying down the law. I say, "Let me show you something. Gimme that."

Kendra said...

Great story Marco!

gwdMaine said...

Is there anything more terrifying than seeing the water rising rapidly in a toilet with no plunger in site?