Friday, August 23, 2024

Elephant Chained For 31 Years


Joy was 31 years old, and had spent her life as a logging elephant. But now she was too old and had health concerns, so they chained her to a tree. Planting Peace sent Aaron to get her, and he led Joy out of the logging area to her new home at Mandalao Elephant Conservation, a retirement home for elephants in Laos. This shelter welcomes tourists because they pay for the elephants' upkeep, but they never offer elephant rides or train the elephants to do stunts. I'm sure you noticed the lump on Joy's shoulder. Elephants rarely get cancer, so it is probably an abscess. The shelter has a veterinarian, so Joy will get the care she needs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she will have other elephants to hang with in her new home.