Thursday, August 29, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

The Reasons We Love Fall So Much, According to Science.

Our National Symbol: Too Fat to Fly.

The zoo director tries to convince Sami the chimpanzee to return home after he escaped, 1988. (via Nag on the Lake)

Star Wars TV Is Dead. Five years into its streaming experiment, Lucasfilm has seemingly given up hope.

Where the atomic nuclei are: Maurice Sendak, physics illustrator. His first paying art job was for a book his physic teacher wrote about nuclear science. (via Ars Technica)

How do we know what our Milky Way galaxy looks like when we're inside it? (via Damn Interesting)

The Remarkable Giraffe Weevil of Madagascar.

The Difficulty of Calculating a Substantial Raise.

Archaeologists Uncover the Real Story of How England Became England. New research is revealing how the Sceptered Isle transformed from a Roman backwater to a mighty country of its own.


Anonymous said...

When it comes to the 'giraffe', any of the others measured against it are the lesser of two weevils.

Anonymous said...

In other news, HR is looking for a new job.

Anonymous said...

Love Fall? We? Not we, thee.

What the Milky Way looks like? Does it matter compared to what the Earth looks like, has looked like, is going to look like.

Never trust HR... ever.

It's a shame those witches were burned at the stake, their DNA would have been interesting.

Anonymous said...

All the bad things happen in fall. School starts, 9/11, endless yard cleanup, elections, nasty weather, . Fall can dry up and blow away for all I care.