Sunday, August 25, 2024

7 Ways UK and US Elections Are Very Different

In the US, we have a presidential election every four years, plus elections for senators every six years and congressional elections every two years. The time between is spent campaigning, and there's nothing we can do about it. In the UK, they decide to have an election at random times for one reason or another, and a couple of weeks later, they vote. They don't even have political TV ads! And that's before even getting into the subject of campaign financing.

Laurence Brown grew up with the UK system, but has lived in the US for 16 years now. Having obtained his citizenship, this year will be his first vote in a presidential election. Therefore, without giving a hint as to his political leanings, he tries to explain the difference between the way elections work in the UK and in the US. The upshot is that US elections are exhausting, and UK elections are not. But you already knew that. There's a 90-second skippable ad at 1:55.

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