Sunday, August 25, 2024

Discount Stores on a Cooking Show

The folks at It's a Southern Thing have a video in which discount stores compete on a cooking show. That sounds pretty random, but putting a personality on inanimate objects based on their reputation can be funny. It turns out this is an experiment, called a sketch cobbler. Viewers sent in random elements, they pulled a few out of a hat, and made a comedy sketch out of it. Can they incorporate all the elements and still make it funny? Yes, but they could have left the smaller details out. All they really needed was "discount stores" and "cooking show." Anyone who has shopped all all these stores will understand. And now you know the reason I keep a stash of quarters in my car; it's not for emergency car washes.   

1 comment:

Bicycle Bill said...

Love it!   That was better than at least 80% of the unrealistic, set-up, scripted 'encounters' that creators keep shoving onto Facebook.
