Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

The Winners of the 2024 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. (via Metafilter)

Here's The Incredibly Dumb Reality Behind Those 'Speed Limit Enforced By Aircraft' Signs.

Sneak Preview of the 2024 Lights on Eckman Halloween Light Show.

Fixer-Uppers: A Smart, Sustainable Choice for Home Buyers.

'This could be the origin of the Atlantis legend': Mountain that sank beneath the waves discovered off Canary Islands. (via Strange Company)

Dreamcasting a Live-Action Simpsons Movie.

The Katsuification of Britain. Katsu curry, the British dish that went to Japan and back again. (via Metafiter

Names Found on LinkedIn Provide Song Lyrics.

Does being a gifted kid make for a burned-out adulthood? How being labeled “gifted” can rearrange your life — for better and for worse. (via Damn Interesting)


gwdMaine said...

It was the dark of the moon
On the sixth of June
In a Kenworth, pullin' logs

Breaker one-nine
This here's the Rubber Duck
You got a copy on me Pig Pen,

Ten-Four fer sure, fer sure
Them smokies are thick as bugs on a bumper
They even have a bear in the air...

Takes me back to my road tripping days in my Pinto on I-79 in PA, long, flat, mind numbingly boring, and a regular place for bears in the air. Lot to be said for CBs back then.

Anonymous said...

Under “Crime & Detective”, the first Dishonorable Mention in Iceland is my favorite.

Fixer-uppers sounds great if you have the skills, tools, time, and knowledge to fix-up what needs fixing-up. Cleaning grime, refinishing woodwork, and painting can wait, plumbing, heating and leaking roof can not. Oh, and fixer-uppers ain’t cheap, nor plentiful these days.

I don’t think a Live Simpsons is a good idea. Most people have all the Simpson characters pretty firmly set in their heads. They’d spend the whole movie saying to themselves “that’s not what he would do”, “that’s not what she would say”.