Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Fly Me To The Moon

The future is here our dreams. This video shows what we might have today with unlimited space program budgets and none of the corner-cutting that lead to well-known space disasters. The airline pictured is labeled Pan-Am to make it clear that this is fantasy and not something that NASA has planned. YouTuber yukon09 made this animation in the game Kerbel Space Program using imagery inspired by the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. The aesthetic and the music are retro-futuristic as if they were from the 1970s, showing a future we have not yet achieved all these years later. The song is "4:00 AM" by Taeko Onuki fro 1978. (via The Awesomer)


Anonymous said...

No reason to go there except bragging rights. Maybe weight watchers could send fat people to experience low gravity as incentive to stick to their diet.

Andy said...

I was NOT expecting the song to be as good as that. Great choice for atmosphere.