Sunday, April 14, 2024

Liberace is Feelin' Groovy

This 1968 clip from The Red Skelton Hour features a hip number from Liberace and the Young Folks Singing Aggregation, performing "The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)" originally by Simon and Garfunkel and further popularized by Harpers Bizarre. This was cringe even in 1968. (via Boing Boing)  


Jerry House said...

I used to be proud of being a child of the Sixties. No more. Thanks for ruining my memories of that time!

jamie said...

That reminded me of "Up With People". I wish it hadn't.

Debra She Who Seeks said...


Anonymous said...

Up with people, my brother sang with them for a while but got cut. They constantly weeded out the less talented/attractive to be up with the better than average people.
Got to admit Liberace was a good sport doing this kit so far from his By A Day That Will Live In Infamy when we declared war on Japan, and Hitler declared war on us, the British and Russians were dependant on the materiels we supplied. Countless aircraft had been flown from the midwest to Alaska then over to Russia. They then traveled by train across Siberia to the Eastern Front. Shiploads of materiels to Murmansk via England.
2 Convoys of ships loaded with the needs of GB left the US every 6 days for years prior to Pearl Harbor. By wars end 3500 merchant ships were sunk and 72,200 seamen died.
Even after we got into the fighting we were supplying the allies mostly thanks to American women who kept the factories humming. No country contributed more to the Allied victory than the US but we certainly didn’t do it alone.

Anonymous said...

What the hell? How did I do that?
Up With People? My brother sang with them a while but got cut. They were constantly weeding out the average in talent & appearance till they had an ensemble of better than average. Then they were replaced whenever someone better looking and/or more talented appeared. Hardly represented the idea of the common folks working together.

You have to admit Liberace was a good sport to partake in something so for from his own schtick

Miss Cellania said...

Ha! Bruce, you pasted what you thought was the word shtick because you checked the spelling, but you didn't copy it. You still had a comment for another post on your clipboard.

Mark said...

Not only can Liberace play the piano, he can dance! This might be the best thing I've seen in months. Thanks for posting!