Tuesday, March 12, 2024

"Wet Putty" Car Paint

Hank Green is going off on car colors, but the confusion is deeper than the color of a car. He sees something that's different, yet he can't describe it nor put a name to it, because it's a matter of perception on an unconscious level. Not being able to describe the phenomena made it difficult to look up, but he managed to do it. Tracking down the type of car color that's becoming more prevalent led him to learn about Nardo Gray and finally "wet putty" paint. While his eyes knew it when he saw it, he had to search to figure out how a color could look flat while still being shiny. It has to do with the sparkle. Most of us aren't aware of the metal flake in the paint coat on our cars because it's just so normal. But take it away, and our brains would certainly notice the difference, even if we couldn't quite put our finger on it. Then again, if you are the type of person who never washes their car, you might not notice any difference at all. (via Kottke)


WilliamRocket said...

This is like telegrams from the old days.
Squeezing as many words as you can in with no spaces, no pauses.
Staccato I think is the word.

My slightly autistic or ADHD tainted brain used to make me do that, no room for quiet bits, too much to say ... I have started (at age 143) to slow down and let other people speak (but so many are slow thinkers) but the waiting allows my thoughts to go elsewhere and then, next minute, I am talking about the level of vacuum involved in lifting heavy ships into the sky and have no recollection of what we were talking about .... see, even now I have gone off topic.

I don't like overly long videos, but I could stand to have this guy take a few breaths, put a few spaces in.

But yeah, those new greyish painted car colours do look good.

Anonymous said...

Matte Gloss

Anonymous said...

Starting with expensive cars they slowly worked the shiny bits into all the car paints. Now they working them back out. Got to have something new every year.