Thursday, March 07, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

“If you wanted to turn someone into a socialist you could do it in about an hour by taking them for a spin around the paddock of a Formula 1 race. The kind of money I saw will haunt me forever.” Kate Wagner covered a race and the article was soon pulled from Road & Track. (via Metafilter)

In a New Milky Chance Music Video, GMUNK Pushes the Envelope of CG Artistry and Digital Creative Tools. 

All Shook Up: A Case of Louisville Witchcraft.

Count the Circles in the Coffer Illusion.

The Literal Translation of U.S. Cities and States.  There's some wild stories behind many of the place names.

These Are The Vital Lessons You Need To Know Before Spending Thousands On Home Renovations. Read the entire post and discussion at reddit.

The brainiacs at NASA's Goddard Space Center are letting their creative side show with the release of a tabletop role-playing game called The Lost Universe. The premise bends both time and space. (via Metafilter)

Victorian Slums Revealed: Haunting Photos of Everyday Life in Victorian England. (via Damn Interesting)

World War II ‘Rumor Clinics’ Helped America Battle Wild Gossip.


Bicycle Bill said...

As a columnist, I guess Kate Wagner is entitled to her viewpoints, but it seems like her article about her impressions of F1 was more than just a little off the mark.  I think she missed the entire damned target.

When you're assigned to write an article for a magazine aimed at car afficianados, maybe one should tamp down one's granola-crunching, soy milk sipping, tree-hugging sensitivities and try to write the article you're being paid for... although I do have to wonder what was going through the minds of the editors of Road & Track in the first place when they gave the project to someone who doesn't even drive and seems to almost take pride in the fact.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if it was R&T or the British oil Co who chose her? Seems to me they were familiar with her and must have had at least final approval of all the people they were paying to make the trip. Also, she was one of the reporters in the group covering the prelims, but not the race, so that group was obviously there to see and report back on the hoopla leading up to the race.

I agree she spent excess column space explaining where she was coming from so you'd understand why her views might be askew from your own. I found it didn't tell me much about F1 racing, but having attended F1 races years ago (when it was cheap), and the coverage of the Vegas Circus recently, it didn't matter to me. She's right saying the F1 races have become ho-hum with the same result all the time.

That said, I found her article about the hoopla around the race interesting and entertaining. Just the pictures of the throngs in the grandstands who paid a minimum of $500 to watch practice, makes it worth reading.

chich said...

F1 and capitalist greed? don't think it matters anymore. The planet is coming up on some shifts which it has done before although we've never been around as a species to experience it. All the squawking be it granola crunching socialist or pearl clutching fascist will be pointless. You may not see much of it but your children and especially your grandchildren are going to face some very challenging times. I would not be surprised if we go back to being the endangered species we were for much of our existence.

WilliamRocket said...

I was going to opine about the same excess waste of wealth spent on mega sized pleasure boats while human people stumble trying to find a safe and dry haven to sleep each night, their hunger pangs their only companion ... but chich above while debunking climate change effortlessly, basically brings into focus our insignificance ... the small blue dot, and all that.

My thoughts are, if you want to go to heaven (and I'm not a believer in anyway) forget about trying to impress your neighbour or accumulating strong steel boxes full of bank notes, but instead hold yourself up in comparison to the angelic soles who spend their time and money rescuing abandoned or in need animals, your god made those fur covered quadrupeds (et cetera) as a litmus test for your entry through those pearly gates (or 'other' if your own religion is different)

Or people, you could help people ... that is another way.

And yes, climate change is driven by the sun, that is pure logic, we wouldn't be here without the sun, we will die by its actions ... or at least get warmer and then cooler by its fluctuations ... then warmer and then cooler again.

Thats what has happened historically.

Anyway, racing cars going around an oval is just like a slot car set, pretty boring after the first 2 minutes.