Tuesday, March 12, 2024

A Two-minute Light Painting Tutorial

Darren Pearson, also known as Dariustwin, produces art by photographing light as it moves through space. This is light painting. The mechanics of getting the picture are simple enough, although it would take some practice. The real art is what he does with the light. It takes genuine awareness of space and angle to draw in the air and get a 2-dimensional image to photograph. That would take a lot of practice and dedication!

The video clip that shows the actual act of drawing makes it clear that he's got the finished image in his head, because we can't make heads nor tails out it, literally, while he is drawing. Still, only a small percentage of the people who watch this video will actually go out and try to create their own light paintings. We've seen Pearson's finished artworks, and we can imagine how much time and trouble he goes through to achieve them. We are mainly interested to see how he does it, so this is less a tutorial than it is an explanation. (via Laughing Squid)

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