Thursday, March 02, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Dave Grohl Cooks World Class Barbecue for LA Homeless Shelter.

4 People Who Were Buried Alive (And How They Got Out).

The Case For Shunning. People like Scott Adams claim they're being silenced. But what they actually seem to object to is being understood.(via Metafilter)

Their Hotel Room Came with a Surprise Cat.

Forget the Scenic Route, Take a Detour Down a Corpse Road

The Many Ways Bees Can Make Green Honey.

So, you’re in an inflationship…  Desperate young couples moving in together in order to cut costs  are playing with fire. (via Digg

This Florida House is a Technicolor Dream. Or a nightmare, depending on your point of view.

An old standup routine from John Oliver has a punch line that made me guffaw here alone at my desk.


DWVR said...

"The Case For Shunning" is the most straightforward and articulate expression of what Free Speech means and the responsibility that comes with it that I've ever seen. I've meticulously hacked around the paywall placard on the article to grab the copy, which I will post elsewhere and reread whenever I become discouraged about the idiocy that passes for Free Speech emanating from political grifters and Corporate Media obfuscators. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, only Republicans hold views or make statements that should lead to being shunned or shamed. Who knew?

xoxoxoBruce said...

It's a shame that, “It’s OK to be white.” comes with a wink wink, nod nod, for some people. People like myself would not know it was a loaded phrase and taken literally it's true. Same as, "Black lives matter", is true but loaded with social baggage that changes peoples perception of anyone saying it. It's become a verbal minefield out there.
I'm not defending Adams, it's pretty clear he was aware of the wink/nod baggage, I'm just saying don't be too quick to cast aspersions on people without knowing them.

Anonymous said...

"It’s always been okay to be white. But don’t take pride in that. Because what’s attached to that whiteness is colonization, slavery, segregation, and racism. The reason why the rest of us can [use the phrase “It’s okay to be _____”) is because we’ve been told it’s not okay."

Bicycle Rider said...

The location of that Florida house very appealing, but yeah, the interior is a bit much.

Anonymous said...

>> Apparently, only Republicans hold views or make statements that should lead to being shunned or shamed. Who knew?

No one has said that and you are free to do your own shunning for any reason you like.

Anonymous said...

>> Apparently, only Republicans hold views or make statements that should lead to being shunned or shamed. Who knew?

If that's your observation, either it's true as it is, or non-Republicans do such a good job at shunning and shaming that those statements don't reach a very broad audience, which is mostly the point. Funny how it works out that way.

Miss Cellania said...

When I first read Adams' statement, I also had no clue to the backstory behind the phrase. And that's why 4chan did it that way, just to demonstrate their power to mess things up.