Sunday, November 13, 2022

Super Size Me

Morgan Spurlock spent a month eating nothing but fast food, and documented the effects in this film. I've been meaning to see this movie since 2004, but it means more now. I don't eat fast food often, maybe once a month, but my blood tests this year indicated all kinds of things going wrong, and it was mostly because of my lazy diet. I've dropped ten pounds and turned things around, to my great relief. Eating is one of the great pleasures of life, but like anything else, too much of that pleasure will kill you.


newton said...

Just when you thought chicken was safe, there's also Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken, where he actually starts a chicken farm, starts a fast-food franchise to serve his chicken, and hires fast-food consulting companies for recipes and the all-important marketing, and at the end opens up his restaurant (for a few days anyway).

Anonymous said...

Laughter is one of the great pleasures of life that won't hurt you. Unless you choke on a grape while laughing at the guy who slipped on the banana peel.

Douglas2 said...

You may wish to pair the viewing with the Tom Naughton documentary Fat Head.

As Naughton said:
"I know (in response to Spurlock's 'Super Size Me') (many) other filmmakers went on McDiets and documented how they lost weight, but as far as I could tell, they weren't funny. If it's true what Mencken said, that the cure for contempt is counter-contempt, then the cure for a funny documentary that's full of bologna is a funny documentary that isn't."[1]"